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Seeds of Tao: Impact entrepreneurs seeding regenerative paths beyond sustainability

Jun 15, 2020

Welcome back to the Seeds of Tao Podcast and blog post, today we're definitely talking about a hot topic in the world, and especially in the U.S. right now. For Episode 041, we've brought on the amazing Cortina Jenelle to address with us the White Supremacy narrative, and exploring how we can move past this global issue. 

First off, if you'd like to connect further with Cortina, you can listen to her podcast, Rhythm in Resilience on the major podcast platforms, and check out her website at

Rhythms in Ourselves and Nature

 We began our podcast by addressing rhythms, and I think that's a great way to set up this topic. There are rhythms everywhere, from the planets and seasons, to our daily routines and thought patterns. Permaculture itself is a design rhythm, patterned after nature, that we can implement just about everywhere. One thing I've found through homeschooling is that you get much greater success by working WITH... (Continue reading on Seeds of Tao)