Dec 22, 2020
Hey everyone, we’re so excited to have you back for this week’s episode as we start rounding out the year. What a crazy journey it’s been this year in 2020, but I think it’s only appropriate towards the end of the year to find your enthusiasm for what will carry you into the next year. There’s no better person...
Dec 17, 2020
As we start to wrap up this year, we're excited to release two episodes this week about totally different but important topics. Earlier on Tuesday, we talked about health and leadership with Mike Garcia, and today we're talking with Caroline Cohen, who focuses more on the mindset aspect. We've found over and over again...
Dec 15, 2020
This week on the Seeds of Tao Podcast we’re talking with Mike Garcia, sustainability expert and founder of EnviroscapeLA Landscaping. This is a little bit of a twist since oftentimes landscaping is the opposite of regenerative agriculture and landscape rehabilitation. However, Mike has a store of knowledge to create...
Dec 8, 2020
One of the most amazing things about permaculture is that it inspires us to channel our creative energy into everything around us. In this week’s episode of the Seeds of Tao Podcast, we’re talking with Javan Bernakevich about his amazing journey through natural building, permaculture land design, and eventually...